More Maui!!

Yes! Another gorgeous day in Maui! We were sooooo lucky, this was the view from our room...
There really was no reason to leave the room, but we decided on another morning walk.

Lovely group of trees right on the beach. Made me want to climb up and sit there all day. Alas, I'm not that young anymore :-)

This is what I wore: McCall's 6658

The morning was actually cold! Luckily, I brought a really cool top made from a textured white medium-weight cotton knit. The top has a funnel neck that is put on using reverse construction so there are no rough edges along the neckline when you fold it over.

Tip: I used my top stitching machine in several places BEFORE I sewed the seams together. That way all finished edges are stretchy. Definitely use a double needle if you don't have a top stitching machine.

I love the asymmetrical look of this shawl-like pull-over. Only 3 large pieces. And it is so snuggly to wear! 

Especially when sitting on the beach enjoying this....


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